zero collective STaff

brian blum | senior pastor of the zero collective network |

Brian served at Frontline Church in Grand Rapids, MI for the past 22 years- first as the Worship and Arts Pastor from 2001-2007 and then as the Lead Pastor until 2023. He now serves as the Senior Pastor of the Zero Collective Network, a high-autonomy, multi-site network of four churches in the greater Grand Rapids area that was birthed from Frontline in 2016.  Brian has a passion for seeing people come to Jesus and find their unique calling in Him. Brian and his wife, Kerry, have four children and live on the north side of Grand Rapids.

staci davey | executive administrative assistant |

Staci has attended Frontline since 2017 and is excited to be growing here with the Zero Collective team. Staci brings organizational skills and her love for helping others with her from her career in the medical field. Staci and her husband Matthew have two children, Mason and Rylee. As a family they love to explore and be in God's creation, Sightseeing and enjoying the great outdoors. Her family's favorite thing to do is together is to go camping, roasting marshmallows, and listening to their kids’ silly stories.

blake hicks | executive pastor |

For over 25 years Blake owned and operated three small businesses on the West Side of Grand Rapids. In 2008, Blake felt a call to leave the business world and go into ministry. Upon receiving degrees from both Cornerstone University and Wesley Seminary, Blake has served in both the church and non-profit communities. Blake and his wife Kim have been married for 35 years and have 4 married kids along with 7 grandchildren. When not working at Frontline, Blake enjoys competing in triathlons and eating...not necessarily in that order.

emily mceldowney | hr + finance director |

After 18 years working in the banking industry, Emily took an act in trusting God to pursue a profession in Finance. Emily has a passion to serve others and build meaningful relationships and is a regular attender at New Life Church. When she is not budgeting or crunching numbers, you can find her spending quality time playing games or traveling with her husband, Jim of 27 years, along with her daughter, two married sons and daughter in laws and her grandson. She loves her growing family and can't wait for more grandbabies - Lord willing.

corey post | worship + arts pastor |

Corey graduated from Grace Bible College with a Music degree in Worship Arts. He is passionate about worship leadership and helping people move forward in their walk with Christ. He is married to his beautiful wife, Sara, and they have three crazy children Addilyn, Levi, and Elise. Corey loves any and all sports, anything that involves being outside, hanging out with family and friends, and cheeseburgers.

robert vanderploeg  | tech director |

Robert joined the team in summer of 2018 with a passion to utilize technology to reach people for Christ. Originally from Caledonia, Robert holds a degree in Worship Arts from Cornerstone University. He is passionate about helping people draw closer to Christ, and empowering them to use their gifts and talents for the glory of God. Robert and his wife Melanie are both enthusiasts for hammocking, cooking hearty food, and visiting authentic taquerias. 

zero church lead pastors


brad vanderson | lead pastor of NewLife Church |

Brad is passionate about the community of Wayland. For him, there is nothing better than seeing Jesus transform lives. Brad has a degree from Grand Valley State University in Psychology and is currently pursuing a Masters in Ministry at Wesley Seminary. In addition to Frontline, Brad and Sam have been foster parents to several kids over the past couple years and love spending time with their crazy-cool kids: Emery, Rowan, and Theo. Brad loves photography, graphic design, and being ridiculously sarcastic all the time.

david doerner | lead pastor of Frontline Church |

David and Shannon came to Frontline in 2017 and since then have expanded their family with their son, Judah. David graduated from Grand Valley State University in 2014 with a degree in Public and Nonprofit Administration and also earned his Master of Divinity from Western Theological Seminary in 2018. David loves preaching and teaching and does so regularly at Frontline and the other churches in the Zero Collective. He loves the Chicago Bears, a good burger, camping with his family, deer hunting, and a combination of all of those would be one step short of Heaven for him. He loves to work, joke, play, challenge, and inspire people to be who God has created them to be!

jj mannschreck | lead pastor of The Center Church |

JJ Mannschreck graduated from Calvin College where he met his wife Sara. Sara and JJ bring with them four boys (Liam, Amos, Ezra and Asher), and have recently welcomed their first daughter Magnolia. In addition to his family life - his passions in ministry include worship music, and finding simple answers to tricky questions about faith. He runs a blog over at, as well as his YouTube channel, podcast and various other social media outreaches.

kyle kotrch | lead pastor of The Story Church |

Kyle has a deep desire to see radical life change by Jesus in the Comstock Park community and people walking in their anointing in their daily lives. Kyle has a degree in Youth and Sports Ministry from Kuyper College where he met his wife Courtney. Kyle enjoys being around others and experiencing God working in their lives and getting a front row seat to how God continues to bring people back to Him and use their God given gifts for the glory of God. Kyle and Courtney are foster parents and have two amazing young boys, Kendrick and Cashton. Kyle loves anything outdoors, being with friends, playing sports, wrestling with his boys and being covered in sand in the summer as often as he can.

zero collective leadership team

brian blum | chair

Brian has served at Frontline Church in Grand Rapids, MI for the past 22 years- first as the Worship and Arts Pastor from 2001-2007 and then as the Lead Teaching Pastor. He also serves as the Senior Pastor of the Zero Collective Network, a high-autonomy, multi-site network of four churches in the greater Grand Rapids area that was birthed from Frontline in 2016.  Brian has a passion for seeing people come to Jesus and find their unique calling in Him. Brian and his wife, Kerry, have four children and live on the north side of Grand Rapids.

kevin pinner | vice chair

Kevin and his wife Lynn have been attending Frontline Church since 2012. Kevin and Lynn have served at Frontline as small group leaders, Starting Point (new membership class) leaders, and participating in mission trips. Coming to Christ when he was 18, Kevin's vocational career has spanned manufacturing operations, engineering, consulting, and the non-profit ministry world. In addition to serving on the Zero Collective Leadership Team, Kevin is an Advisor to churches and non-profits through Gun Lap Consulting LLC. Kevin enjoys playing soccer, running, mountain biking, and cross-country skiing, along with driving and fixing old sports cars. He also loves to be in the woods with their dog, Scout.

andy miedema | treasurer

Andy and his family have attended Frontline Church since 2017.  Andy has served on Zero Collective's Finance Team since 2017 and has been the Treasurer since 2018.  Andy spent 16 years in the marketplace working at a community bank in Grand Rapids serving small and mid-sized businesses.  In 2019, Andy felt called to leave the marketplace and use his gifts in church ministry.  Andy currently serves as the Chief Financial Officer for the Great Lakes Region of the Wesleyan Church, which serves 170+ Wesleyan churches in Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin.  Andy and his wife, Mandy, have been married for 13 years and have three awesome boys.  If he's not working on spreadsheets, you will likely find Andy on a disc golf course!

staci davey | secretary

Staci has attended Frontline since 2017 and is excited to be growing here with the Zero Collective team. Staci brings organizational skills and her love for helping others with her from her career in the medical field. Staci and her husband Matthew have two children, Mason and Rylee. As a family they love to explore and be in God's creation, Sightseeing and enjoying the great outdoors. Her family's favorite thing to do is together is to go camping, roasting marshmallows, and listening to their kids’ silly stories.

matt hammond | Frontline lay elder

Matt and his family have attended Frontline Church for the last 8 years. Since 2001 Matt has operated a Plastic Recycling company which has created a passion to serve our community and environment! In 2022 he felt called to use these talents at Frontline Church to have a greater role in helping grow God’s Kingdom! In addition to serving on the Zero Collective Leadership Team, he also serves on the Frontline Church Advisory Team! Matt and his wife, Jamie have two children and live in the north side of Grand Rapids. When not chasing plastics and/or kids, he enjoys his time hunting, fishing, boating, golfing and spending time in Michigan’s beautiful outdoors!

alanna klomp | mission lay elder

Alanna and her family have been attending Frontline Church since 2018 and has been part of the Zero Collective Leadership Team as Mission Lay Elder since 2020. Alanna has participated in the Zero Collective's Cultivate Leadership and Launchable Leaders cohorts and has served as the interim Missions Director at Frontline Church. Alanna has an ability to bring a voice of alignment and a detailed eye in developing systems and processes. In addition, Alanna has a servant's heart and has led global mission trips to Argentina, volunteered with Frontline's Year of Sent, the 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympic Committee, Hand2Hand, Kids Food Basket, Habitat for Humanity, Girl Scouts and several other local ministries and non profits. In addition to serving on the Zero Collective Leadership Team, Alanna is the owner and Chief Experience Officer of Rise Up Consulting and Events, LLC. In this role, she works with churches, associations and non-profits; consulting and creating unique experiences through events. Alanna enjoys spending time with her husband, Rich, and two children, Izzy and Nathan. When not adventure-seeking and traveling the world, you can find them enjoying family game night or camping.

zach zwart | The Story lay elder

I’m originally from West Central Minnesota, but have been in Michigan since college. I work for UFP Industries in their IT department. I’m engaged to my wonderful fiancé Katie. I currently attend The Story Church and serve on their advisory board and worship arts team. I’ve been attending close to 8 years at The Story Church. I love getting to collaborate with other Christ-centered people who have a strong desire to see the 5 Zero’s in West Michigan. I’m constantly challenged in my faith and encouraged by all who are on this team. I feel that I have a strong voice of discernment and leadership that I bring to the table to help with either business decisions or where we take the next steps as a Collective.

tim timmermans | New Life lay elder

blake hicks | facilitator (non-voting)

For over 25 years Blake owned and operated three small businesses on the west side of Grand Rapids. In 2008, Blake felt a call to leave the business world and go into ministry. Upon receiving degrees from both Cornerstone University and Wesley Seminary, Blake has served in both the church and non-profit communities. Blake and his wife Kim have been married for 35 years and have 4 married kids along with 7 grandchildren. When not working at Frontline, Blake enjoys competing in triathlons and eating...not necessarily in that order.